Learning Objective: To infer and gather evidence from a picture to enhance understanding.
Overview: In this lesson, students will hone their inferencing skills while exploring the world of comics. A final activity will have them creating an inference comic of their own.
Success Criteria:
I can use inference skills to represent what an image shows.
I can gather evidence to figure out what is happening in an image.
I can apply my knowledge to create an image that represents a certain mood.
Materials Needed:
A copy of the Google Slides for this lesson (see below).
Lesson Plan
Using Slide 2, brainstorm what makes a comic a comic?
Move the blue box to reveal the answer: It is telling a story through illustrations and words.
Slides 3-7: Work through the slides to learn more about the history of comics.
Slides 9-10: Spot the difference in the two panels:
What is different and what is the same?
Answers are on Slide 10.
Slide 11: Have students infer what might be happening in this image. Now would be a good time to introduce the term.
Slide 12-15: Have students practice inferring.
What’s happening in the comics?
How are the characters feeling?
View the speaker notets for additional questions.
Have students create a one-panel comic depicting a particular emotion by following the steps on Slides 16-22.
To save the comic, students can press DONE in the top right-hand corner of the Pixton screen.
View all of the comics by clicking on STUDENT COMICS in your classroom.
Share student comics with the class and see if the students can infer which emotion the character(s) is showing.